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Strategies for Demand Generation: How to Create the Right Message to Attract Qualified Prospects

Written by Allied Global | Nov 25, 2022 4:35:32 PM

How can you ensure that your demand generation campaigns and programs produce the qualified leads you need to fuel your company’s growth? The answer is an overall integrated demand generation strategy. It requires more than just launching a social media campaign to reach your target audience or using direct mail to attract new customers.

You must have the right message designed and delivered in the proper channels at the right time to reach the prospects who are most likely to buy from you. Some strategies for demand generation can help you create the right message to attract qualified candidates.

 Define the Audience

Once you define your goals, it´s time to find the right audience for your product/service and conversion pipeline. Once you begin your business, you know who wants to purchase your product/service. Selecting an audience to market shouldn’t be a random choice.

So, you might ask, how do I find the right audience? Well, that’s a job for buyer personas, i.e., representations of your ideal customers and their characteristics. To create them, you will need some data about the consumer´s behavior and do your research, specifically:

  • Their demographics and psychographics
  • Conduct interviews
  • Look into their habits
  • Research the market extensively 

Realistically building personas is key to marketing to the right people and enhancing those profiles over time to approach more potential customers.


Identify Pain Points

Client pain points refer to the problems experienced by clients over the touchpoints on their client journey. Customer pain points that can directly impact the business are also referred to as business pain points. To start recognizing the client pain points that may affect your business, we have categorized the most common pain points based on the business domain to which they align.

Financial pain points

Process pain points

Support pain points

Productivity pain points

To identify pain points is very important you ask the right questions. Your priority will always be to solve the major pain points received through customer feedback. In your customer feedback surveys, you can include these questions:

  • What problem were you trying to solve when you initially came across our product or service?
  • What are the top three benefits you have received from (product or service name)?
  • How could we improve (product or company name) to better meet your needs?
  • What other roles or titles besides yours would you benefit significantly from (product or service name)?
  • What would you likely use as an alternative to (product or company name) if it were no longer available?
  • What’s holding you back from using (product or company name)?

Understand Customer Values

Client value is the satisfaction the customer encounters (or expects to experience) by taking a given action relative to the cost of that action. The given activity is traditionally a purchase but could be a sign-up, a vote, or a visit.

At the same time, cost refers to anything a customer must forfeit to get the required benefit, such as cash, data, time, and knowledge. This is an important point. Value does not refer to cost. It refers to the perceived benefits gained within the context of price. Cost is only part of the equation.

Your inner chain of sourcing, operations, processes, sales, marketing, and client service contributes to creating value. So do your support operations such as HR and accounting. These components influence your clients directly or indirectly in a few ways, informing their perception of you.

 Craft an Offer Section

 Tell a Compelling Story

Content marketing is the pillar of every effective demand-generation program. This implies that if you create unique and valuable resources, your audience will have greater chances of engaging with your brand and converting. Storytelling is essential and will attract people to your brand. These are some of the best types of content you can use to educate and entice your leads:

  • Blog posts: Whenever someone wants to solve a doubt, they will use a search engine, for example, Google, to find answers to their questions. You can start with keyword searching using SEO tools to find out what your audience is searching for. Then based on that research, you can create a valuable blog post that will educate and provide your audience with the information they were looking for.
  • Case studies: This type of content is trendy among B2B companies because it gives their audience a descriptive analysis of specific problems and how their product/service handled them. Case studies are valuable to show skeptical visitors that your product or service is worth it and can solve their pain points.
  • Webinars: Webinars are another great weapon for your demand generation strategy because they will help increase your brand awareness and engage potential customers. Additionally, collaborating with experts in your field will boost your thought leadership and open the entryway for future opportunities that will benefit your long-term marketing strategy.
  • Video Content: Finally, you can use the infinite conceivable outcomes of video marketing to make short tutorials, explainer videos, product demos, and so on. Also, if you want to invest in such content actively, you can make a YouTube marketing strategy to power up your demand generation more effectively.

Determine Distribution Channels

Now that you have your content strategy, you must find the best channels to distribute your content to your audience. The pipeline depends on the audience. For example, everyone has an email and social media profile nowadays.

Choosing email marketing is an intelligent way of engaging with your audience. Social media is also an excellent way to use various platforms to reach your audience, like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. There are many more channels like SEO, prints, and more, but these are more expensive, while social media and email are more cost-efficient.

 Collect Data on Outcomes

Demand generation can be a long hectic process for a few organizations. And measuring performance can get even more complicated when there’s no one to compare to. Comparing metrics to industry standards might not always be productive, especially for startups. Thus, it’s better to track data over time. Spend time measuring success against yourself. Guarantee that your demand campaigns are yielding the results you want by following channels and sources regularly and individually. The demand generation funnel expects time and patience from you.

So, don’t rush for results. Give the measuring process some time and thought. Well-thought tracking will lead to way better results. Examine your metrics and see how they relate to your strategies.

Creating an efficient Demand Gen strategy takes work since you need to understand first the factors that affect it and the stages you need to focus on; by understanding those influences first, you can create a strategy that will lead to a booming demand gen performance.

A Demand Generation strategy has a lot of benefits and helps you position and, done in the right way, will help you attract qualified prospects. If you are ready to apply these services to your company, we are what you are looking for. You can get in touch with us at alliedITS.com and get more information.