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Technology and innovative Trends in a post pandemic world

Written by Allied Global | Mar 21, 2023 9:26:31 PM

Through history, when a crisis hits the aftermath becomes a time of great innovation. With the COVID-19 pandemic, we have the opportunity to think differently and create fast changes and long lasting impact. With this pandemic we have seen that technology has been accelerated and new technologies have been created. 

With a global pandemic many businesses were forced to adapt to new technologies overnight or vanish. During the past two years, the interaction with customers has changed drastically.

Lots of advances in Ai, robotics and automation were fast created and changed during the pandemic. Now we have robots replacing humans doing handwork jobs. People have been thrown into a technological world and greater and more flexible commodities such as working from home, online meetings, vaccines etc. Such implementations have created a new digital infrastructure across all industries and has redefined the way people work.

We present to you the top trends that have arisen or transformed do to covid. 

  1. Life is virtual 

Since the pandemic we have had e-commerce grow, work from home thrive and even online parties, mass, movies etc. The whole world has moved to a screen and uses lots of technology to do so.

With the pandemic all events were virtual, we made some large increases on not only using online methods to interact, but to create community, come together and unite as one. Nowadays you must keep in mind every step of your business strategy must be fast, reinventing and virtual.  

  1. Plant based is the best way 

Plant based foods are a more than $6 trillion industry due to the demand, quality and sustainability that has arisen from this new trend. 

Learning about protein alternative sources is now the way to go. Pandemic has shown the public that feeling good comes from eating good. It is known that the alternative protein market will triple within the next 5 years. 

  1. Big data… really really big data

Big data is now known as the greatest resource in the whole world. Data is worth so much more than any resource nowadays. This should be organized, manageable, and accessible. By having the right data you can understand how to be productive, make the right decisions, more accurately and better decisiones. 

  1. Telemedicine is the best way to keep the doctor away

With the pandemic a new medical visit was arranged. Letting patients have an online medical visit and remote monitoring. This makes medicine more accessible and advanced, especially when combined with technology. 

Not only doctors in remote care, but hospitals have also been challenged to take care of patients in a more efficient way. 

Read more about Innovation: 

